
Lilt API Binding for Javascript

View the Project on GitHub lilt/lilt-node



Name Type Description Notes
email String An email address. [optional]
name String The full name. [optional]
numWordsConfirmed Number The number of source words confirmed. [optional]
numWordsNew Number The number of new source words confirmed. [optional]
numWordsFuzzy Number The number of fuzzy match source words confirmed. [optional]
numWordsExact Number The number of exact match source words confirmed. [optional]
numWordsReviewed Number The number of source words reviewed. [optional]
timeElapsed Number The total time spent on translation and research. Measured in milliseconds. [optional]
timeElapsedTranslation Number The total time spent translating. Measured in milliseconds. [optional]
timeElapsedResearch Number The total time spent on research. Measured in milliseconds. [optional]
timeElapsedReview Number The total time spent reviewing. Measured in milliseconds. [optional]
numSegmentsConfirmed Number The number of source segments confirmed. [optional]
numSegmentsReviewed Number The number of source segments reviewed. [optional]