
API bindings for the Lilt REST API.

View the Project on GitHub lilt/lilt-python


A Job is a collection of multiple Projects. Each project is specific to a language pair, and is associated with exactly one Memory for that language pair. The Memory association cannot be changed after the Project is created.


Name | Type | Description | Notes ———— | ————- | ————- | ————- name | str | A name for the job. | [optional] creation_status | str | Status of job creation process that includes PENDING, COMPLETE, and FAILED. | [optional] delivered_at | datetime | | [optional] status | str | Current status of job that includes archived, delivered, and active. | [optional] due | datetime | An ISO string date. | [optional] id | int | An id for the job. | [optional] is_processing | int | Values include `1` while in progress, `0` when idle and `-2` when processing failed. | [optional] stats | JobStats | | [optional]

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