
API bindings for the Lilt REST API.

View the Project on GitHub lilt/lilt-python


A language pair couples the source and target language along with memory and pre-translations settings associated to a project.


Name | Type | Description | Notes ———— | ————- | ————- | ————- src_lang | str | Source language, an ISO 639-1 language identifier. | [optional] src_locale | str | A locale identifier, supported for source language. | [optional] trg_lang | str | Target language, an ISO 639-1 language identifier. | trg_locale | str | A locale identifier, supported for target language. | [optional] due_date | str | An ISO date. | [optional] memory_id | int | A unique number identifying the associated Memory. | pretranslate | bool | Attribute translation authorship of exact matches to the creator of the document being pretranslated. | [optional] auto_accept | bool | Accept and lock exact matches. | [optional] case_sensitive | bool | Use case sensitive translation memory matching. | [optional] take_match_attribution | bool | Use MT for unmatched segments. | [optional] config_id | int | Configuration id | [optional] workflow_template_id | int | Workflow Template id, to assign a specific Workflow to the project created out of this Language Pair. WorkflowTemplateIds can be retrieved via the /workflows/templates endpoint. If not specified then the Job level workflowTemplateId will be used. | [optional] workflow_stage_assignments | list[WorkflowStageAssignment] | | [optional]

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