
API bindings for the Lilt REST API.

View the Project on GitHub lilt/lilt-python


A Segment is a source string and, optionally, its translation. A Segment can be associated with both a Memory and a Document. The Segment object contains additional metadata about the source and target strings.


Name | Type | Description | Notes ———— | ————- | ————- | ————- id | int | A unique number identifying the Segment. | [optional] created_at | int | Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. | [optional] updated_at | int | Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. | [optional] document_id | int | A unique Document identifier. | [optional] memory_id | int | The Memory with which this Segment is associated. | [optional] source | str | The source string. | [optional] srclang | str | An ISO 639-1 language code. | [optional] target | str | The target string. | [optional] trglang | str | An ISO 639-1 language code. | [optional] is_confirmed | bool | The confirmation status. | [optional] is_reviewed | bool | The review status. | [optional]

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