
API bindings for the Lilt REST API.

View the Project on GitHub lilt/lilt-python


A SourceFile is an unprocessed source file that can later be added to a project.


Name | Type | Description | Notes ———— | ————- | ————- | ————- id | int | A unique number identifying the SourceFile. | [optional] name | str | The file name. | [optional] file_hash | str | A unique hash value associated with the file. An MD5 hash of the file content will be used by default. | [optional] detected_lang | str | Language associated with the file. | [optional] detected_lang_confidence | float | Confidence score for the language associated with the file. | [optional] category | str | The category of the file. The options are `REFERENCE`, or `API`. The default is API. Files with the `REFERENCE` category will be displayed as reference material. | [optional] labels | list[str] | The list of labels associated with the file. | [optional] created_at | datetime | Time at which the object was created. | [optional] updated_at | datetime | Time at which the object was created. | [optional]

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